The Awesome Apple We Once Knew. 

I used to think of Apple Computer and get the Apple glow, that wonderful feeling of knowing that someone was looking out for you. Ah, yes, the minimal virus, the bug-free, simplified operating system and user interface. I was so satisfied with this Company that I wrote a newspaper column that went around the world... Continue Reading →

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Is There A Santa Clause?

 To the question is there a Santa Clause?  In fact there are three.  The first is the Christmas Consciousness (Santa Clause 1) better known as Pease on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men. This is the consciousness that raises its head on Christmas Eve or a few days before, often with the first snowfall. Opposing armies, playing... Continue Reading →

The Mature Marble Eater

By David Horrigan Well, the Marble Eater episode drifted out of my consciousness until years later I realized that it was back. I had become a pool sharp and the game had become a key part of the marketing program for my marine engineering support company.  It went something like this… I would hang out... Continue Reading →

Jean-Paul and the Marble Eater

Young Jean-Paul was a thinker, a loner and a typical third grader. His parents moved every four years so he was always the newbie at the schools he attended and he rarely had any long-term friends. Each day he would walk a solitary journey 3-4 miles to and from school which gave him plenty of... Continue Reading →

OK, Enough Of That Nonsense

By David Horrigan Last column I gave out some false data. Sorry. I stated that I could no longer see the futures of two teenagers. This week I discovered that it wasn’t that they no longer had futures but that I could no longer see their futures.  Normally when exploring large supposedly important consciousnesses I... Continue Reading →

Oh, Oh, We May Have Blown It

By David Horrigan This is a blog about the future. It was easy enough to predict the future. One could just feel the aspirations of those creatives around you and feel how those around them responded and voila you could see where we were going and how we would arrive. Or at least I used... Continue Reading →

Arriving In The Future

by Dave Horrigan Elon Musk announced last week that he was going to send a colonizing rocket to Mars in 2019. On the same day UPS announced that they will be starting drone package delivery in the next couple of months. On the same day Japanese astronomers discovered a close-by potential back-up earth and expect... Continue Reading →

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